
Projects, Peers, Passion, and Play!

Projects, Peers, Passion, and Play. These four elements are widely considered to be the foundations of nurturing creativity in children (see Resnick, Papert, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc.). These four elements are also at the heart of some changes to our elementary programming next year.  First, we are committed to adding more movement and free play to our children’s schedules in elementary school. When was the last time you had to sit still for more than 2.5 hours? How did you feel? I know how I feel when I am stuck in a long meeting with few breaks or opportunity to move and stretch---tired, foggy, and distracted.  Truthfully, when I feel that way, not much learning or productive thinking is going on in my brain. A short break for fresh air and to move around often gives me greater focus, and actually helps me to learn more than I would have if I had spent that 15 minutes in the meeting. In the fall, we are implementing 30 minutes of free play in every elementary student’s day: 15 minutes in the morning, and 15 in the afternoon. Some of our teachers are already doing this. That 15 minutes won’t detract from learning time; instead, it will give our children the needed break to play and refocus. And it will be kid-centered play, not adult-controlled.

In addition, we are adding an additional 42-minute period of physical education to the elementary cycle for grades K-2 (replacing the Spanish period). While we also consider introduction to a world language a value for our students (and will preserve that in grades 3-5), we believe that the developmental needs of young students necessitate more physical activity than we are currently providing. In grades 3-5, periodic additional periods of PE will be added during the health class. The health teachers will work together to determine this schedule. This change is also budget-neutral.

We are also proposing, provided that our budget passes, adding a STEM teacher to each elementary building.  This is addressing the “Projects and Passion” part of the equation. One of the unfortunate bits of Common Core collateral damage was that science frequently took a back seat to literacy and math in elementary classrooms across the country. Yet, in developing science inquiry skills, students are engaged in problem-solving that can help with literacy, math and multiple “real life” skills. And what young child doesn’t love doing cool science!  Over the last two years, we built Innovation Labs and purchased new science curriculum for our elementary schools. Our teachers have been great about implementing the science program, and science is alive again in our schools!  A new STEM specialist at each school will take us to the next level; it will ensure that our Innovation Labs are buzzing with inquiry, that real, hands-on science is happening in every building, and that every student is engaged in science from kindergarten on! Over the next few years, we hope to begin to build a world-class environmental education and sustainability program in our district (think greenhouses, on-water activities, conservation education, and grow labs!), and ensuring a strong early science foundation is key.   

Finally, we will also be adding a few periodic Enrichment Cluster days to our elementary schedule. These days will allow our students (and staff) to explore their passions! Maybe your child will be able to study the physics of flight, learn to cook international foods, experiment with photography, or do some advanced coding and robotics. These periodic days throughout the year will be fun, engaging, and will ignite students’ passion for learning!

We are SO excited about the changes we are making to our program for next year, and hope you are too!  We will be discussing these changes at our Board of Education work session tomorrow evening. Come (7:00 p.m. in the Lido Multi-Purpose Room)  and let us know what you think!

Shark Tank

I see lots of great lessons, great teachers, and great projects in our district. Every once in a while, though, I get to be a part of something going on in a classroom that makes me almost want to cry because it is SO AMAZING! This week’s weepy superintendent moment was courtesy of Doug MacConnell and Christine Walsh’s fifth grade class at East. They let me be a “shark” as the most incredible fifth graders pitched their inventions, REAL inventions!!! Each student proudly showed off their gizmo, gadget, or unique angle. There were simple but genius ideas---snaps to keep pairs of socks together in the wash, combo headbands and scrunchies. There were ideas that sent me to Google to look up things like piezoelectric plates. C’mon, did YOU know what that was?  A super-smart fifth grader explained it to me. 

The inventions were great in themselves, but you just had to see and hear these kids’ impassioned sales pitches, video-taped commercials, and business plans. This project integrated STEM research, writing, reading, public speaking, business, art, and organizational skills.  And what got to me most of all was to see how THRILLED these kids were with their work. There wasn’t a single student who wasn’t completely and totally engaged in what they were doing. 

Oh, and I may have pledged one million dollars in support with 20% equity for an invention that allowed you to find your TV remote by just whistling out loud.  I should stop blogging and confer with my partner to see if her prototype is ready for production. J  Photo is me with these innovators of the future!