I see lots of great lessons, great teachers, and great projects in our district. Every once in a while, though, I get to be a part of something going on in a classroom that makes me almost want to cry because it is SO AMAZING! This week’s weepy superintendent moment was courtesy of Doug MacConnell and Christine Walsh’s fifth grade class at East. They let me be a “shark” as the most incredible fifth graders pitched their inventions, REAL inventions!!! Each student proudly showed off their gizmo, gadget, or unique angle. There were simple but genius ideas---snaps to keep pairs of socks together in the wash, combo headbands and scrunchies. There were ideas that sent me to Google to look up things like piezoelectric plates. C’mon, did YOU know what that was? A super-smart fifth grader explained it to me.
The inventions were great in themselves, but you just had to see and hear these kids’ impassioned sales pitches, video-taped commercials, and business plans. This project integrated STEM research, writing, reading, public speaking, business, art, and organizational skills. And what got to me most of all was to see how THRILLED these kids were with their work. There wasn’t a single student who wasn’t completely and totally engaged in what they were doing.
Oh, and I may have pledged one million dollars in support with 20% equity for an invention that allowed you to find your TV remote by just whistling out loud. I should stop blogging and confer with my partner to see if her prototype is ready for production. J Photo is me with these innovators of the future!